


1 to 1

Jumps that start and finish with one foot. (Ex. Stride, Same Foot Stride, etc.)

2 to 2

Jumps that start and finish with both feet. (Ex. Precision, Plyo, etc.)

1 to 2

Jumps that start with 1 foot and finish with 2. (Ex. Running Jump, etc.)

2 to 1

Jumps that start with 2 feet and finish with 1. (Ex. Precision to stride, etc.)


Jumps that start and/or finish with something other than your feet. (Kip Up, Shin Jump, etc.)

Recent Posts

Plyometric Jump

Plyometric Jump

Also known as: Plyo, Bounce, Double jump.Movement Pieces The basic sequence of micro-transitions in this move is… - Half way through your take off movement (which here is a precision jump but it can be many other techniques) bring your arms back and keep your torso...

Precision Jump

Precision Jump

Also known as: Pre, Pres.Movement Pieces The basic sequence of micro-transitions in this move is... -Load your arms behind your body to prepare for the forward arm swing. -Bend your legs into a 1/4 or 1/2 squat with weight on the ball of the foot. -When you reach the...