
Also known as: Balance Walk

Movement Pieces

front shot linear walking balance

Side Shot Linear Walking balance

Foot Alignment Focus

Side Shot Linear Walking balance

The basic sequence of micro-transitions in this move is…

-Reach with one foot aiming to “grip” the bar between your big toe and middle toe. (If the object is too wide you are aiming for a straight foot)

-Once you are “locked in” bring the rest of the foot down and shift your weight onto that foot.

-You should be in a single foot linear balance and from here you will repeat steps 1 and 2

Common Problems

Using Arms and Legs to balance mostly

When you over try to use your extremeties (arms and the free leg) to counterbalance it can be easy to overcorrect. The order of operations for balance that I like goes from:

ankle -> knee -> hips -> chest -> extremeties.

What this means is I try and do most of the balance with the first joint in this sequence and then I let the next one in the sequence help if it’s not enough.

inconsistent foot placement while balancing

It is important to be able to balance on all the parts of your foot and at all angles but I’ve found in the beginning focusing on gaining control and understanding in one and then progressing to the variations to be more beneficial.

A neutral foot placement is also more balanced for your muscles and can help the stability in your legs for jumps.

Rushing at the end of the walking balance

Sometimes this is a focal point issue but often I see that it’s a case of getting ahead of ourselves mentally. Try not to let the pressure of almost finishing the balance get to you by just taking each step as it goes, don’t think too far ahead.

focal point is too close to feet while balancing

Generally speaking a relatively straight body position is going to be the best for normal walking balance. When you bend your neck or body over too much to see where you are placing your feet you not only make your body work harder to balance but you limit your vision which plays a part in balance as well.

Try to look 3ft (1m) ahead or like slackliners do at the end point of your balance. Once you gain consistent control like this you can play with more difficult focal points.

Committing weight too soon while balancing

Walking on the ground is not equal to walking on a bar and if you treat it as such one day you might realize it in the worst way.

Instead of committing your weight to the next step before it’s even touched the bar I like to imagine like I’m not sure the obstacle even exists so I am “testing the water” before I commit to the next step.

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